Are you confident that your company is compliant with all privacy policies relating to office records destruction? With continued development of legislation from government and regulators to help protect individuals and businesses, your number one priority should be to ensure confidential information remains confidential.
Incorrect disposal of office records can cause irreparable damage to the reputation of any business. It is therefore essential to have secure office records destruction systems in place to prevent all unauthorised access to confidential or business-critical data.
As you may already know, the Data Protection Act requires all companies to dispose of their confidential information correctly to avoid serious penalty. The need to comply with the Data Protection Act means that using a reputable office records destruction company, such as Datashredders, is essential for any business.
Datashredders provides on site office records destruction. Our service ensures you keep those sensitive documents out of the wrong hands, protects your clients who trust you with their confidential information – and ensures your organisation is protected, too.
Datashredders provide secure office records destruction for a wide range of industries including solicitors, doctors, local authorities, accountants, constabularies, managing agents, facilities managers, call centres, hospitals, financial advisors to name but a few. We shred personnel files, payroll records, financial records, medical records, legal documents, invoices, customer lists, price lists, quotations, strategy documents as well as other key business data.
Every business, from small, home-based to large multi-national, has very specific needs when it comes to office records destruction. Datashredders can tailor your office records destruction solution to suit your needs and are guaranteed to deliver unrivalled customer service every time.
Using an office records destruction service means that your confidential documents remain just that – confidential. The security and privacy of your office records begins the moment they are deposited into your office’s Datashredders bin or cabinet. And the chain of custody remains unbroken until your office records destruction company arrives and your Certificate of Destruction is received.
We also recognise the need for secure storage which fits neatly with our office records destruction service. You can choose from a selection of containers from large volume bins to wood effect office style cabinets, to store your confidential waste. Again, this ensures that your confidential documents are not handled by anybody. You will hold a master key, as will our Datashredders team, who can easily remove and shred your confidential waste quickly and efficiently.
In these tough economic times, I’m sure you are looking to eliminate any expenditure that doesn’t provide the best value for money and outsourcing your office records destruction is cheaper than doing it yourselves.
For office records destruction it takes an employee hours to do the same task that Datashredders can do in minutes. And our state of the art shredding equipment is designed to destroy 100% of all materials to an unidentifiable, unrecognisable degree, guaranteed. You can use Datashredders office records destruction services without disrupting your business at all. Outsourcing means there’s no equipment to buy and it frees up your staff to work on more profitable tasks.
Datashredders office records destruction also helps you save on office space costs. Instead of paying rent on square footage for archives that have outlived their purpose, why not free up that space for more bottom-line-friendly purposes.
And whether you are a multi-national corporation with branches around the world, or a local business in a small community, we offer mobile office records destruction services near you – no matter where you are.
The frequency of our office records destruction services you need is the frequency we will deliver. And we are happy to make changes to your service as your business grows or your needs change. Our mobile office records destruction service gives us the flexibility to come to you as often as you need, whenever you need.
Whether your requirements are enough for regularly-scheduled office records destruction services or just a one time shredding service when needed, our office records destruction process is the same for either service option. Datashredders will make sure that your confidential information remains confidential.
So whatever business you’re in, make sure you protect your company, your clients and your reputation by using Datashredders office records destruction services. Call us now on 0800 027 1922.