It is not uncommon for companies that use mobile paper shredding services in Leicester to shred documents into 16mm wide pieces. This is so common because it meets ESN15713 standards. Some Leicester based companies require a more advanced form of shredding though.
Leicester Datashredders, experts in mobile paper shredding services, have just started using a brand new shredding machine for those that require more confidentiality. This machine will shred your confidential documents to roughly 8mm wide, offering twice the security to your company in Leicester.
In Leicester, this new double shredding machine has the same ability as two shredders, which means it effectively shreds your confidential data twice. If a particular document, when shredding is completed, ends up in 20 strips, this new shredder will leave you with 40 strips, leaving the shredding useless, should the data go missing.
It is true that there are companies who handle more confidential data than others, but in our opinion security measure should be carried out for all businesses when it comes to shredding in Leicester. We would strongly advise any company to use this service when considering mobile paper shredding in Leicester.