In addition to outdated laptops and piles of confidential paper shredding that needs to be done, many businesses have a surplus of office supplies that won’t be used and need recycling. These can include box files, ringbinders, plastic wallets, notepads, pens, pencils and more. If you’ve a pile of this sort of thing that you’d like to get rid of, give Datashredders a call. There’s no need to take metal or plastic from files and folders, and no need to separate materials – just throw everything that you need shredding into your Datashredders secure waste container, or into the secure shredding sacks we’ll provide, and our shredding machines will take care of the rest.
To get a quote for office clearance services, just call 0808 223 8945, submit an enquiry using the form on our contact us page or email and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote.