HGV Driver
High-end watches.
Drivers Assistant
Fun and fulfilling, every day is a new day, get used to getting up early, working with new drivers every day is enjoyable.
HGV Driver
Went to a football ground to pick up 60 sacks and ended up picking up under 2 tonnes and stripped out lever arch folders leaving the customer more than happy.
HGV Driver
Sense of accomplishment from a days work.
Transport Manager
“There is no day the same at Datashredders, everyday has its challenges. Whether that comes from vehicle breakdowns, routes need changing or something random, there is always something new. However, the drivers, office and production teams are all great which makes the job that bit easier.”
“Often, we will move routes around or send a vehicle out to a job specifically for a customer. We want to provide the best possible service we can, so if we have any way of doing a job, we will ensure it is done.”
“Thousands upon thousands of golf balls, was horrific to watch being an avid golfer, all of the expensive balls that I usually lose out of bounds being shredded in front of me!“
“Datashredders is a great company to work for, you are given the training and progression if you work hard for it. The staff throughout the company are all lovely, supportive, and great to be around. So, the opportunities are there along with a great team environment.”
If you think that you’ve got what it takes to join our growing team, then we’d love to hear from you.
We’re always on the lookout for talented individuals who can contribute to our mission and share our values.